
Posts Tagged ‘jam hsiao’

yes, siying is listening to chinese pop. (:

April 12, 2008 2 comments

goodness me. I don’t care for now whether there are still CHAPTERS to be covered for TWC (technology & world change) I am going to skip (as in skipping skip!) and get rid of this restlessness & emptiness and shower again to get the OIL off my hair. eewks.

I think youtube is the BEST & WORST innovation of all times. such a distraction. tsk tsk. You know how much time I spent poring over it when I should have tried to memorise maybe some of the FA ratios or MS formulas. oh my oh my. The weird thing is I don’t feel very guilty. oh my OH MY! hahaha. damn. I was watching cheenafied, taiwanese singing competition videos and finding and seeking clips of this up and coming talent known as Jam Hsiao. (I know, weird name… but he is cute and talented.)  ANYWAY, I feel like I have to defend Chinese pop music. Even though I am very inclined towards the Westernised education and culture (all my love for poetry, literature, museums, art pieces, choral music…) I think chinese is quite magical, really.  English somehow will never be able to substitute the nuances and subtleness of the language.

 Listening to chinese pop is a foray into a deeper examination of erm, my self-identity and roots and this Eastern perspective of everything- which I think it is fantastic. (omg, fantastic is quite a bleah word.) I just love listening to good music, good voices and be touched by people who sing and really know they are singing. well, that doesn’t rule out the fact that I still detest teenybopper music from Cyndi Wang (?), Twins and alike. That goes the same to their Western music’s counterparts! haha. i dislike them too! you know, like music that doesn’t make sense with lyrics that really could have been written by a toddler. (or maybe not. with all the explicitly sexual words {no, not innuendoes. they are too dumb for that.} so written by yes, an adult with a perverse mind of a toddler integrated with the seasoned primal instincts of well an adult!)

Hazel is so smart. she said she realised i like that kind of cafe-like jazzy songs. oh yes I do. They make me feel so free and lazy and unrestrained! oh but I love rock too. haha. slow, emo rock…  hmmm. (: but today, today is chinese pop day. some of the songs (older chi songs included.) are really touching… and many days ahead to come, I don’t think I can live without chinese pop music! ;)


P.S I feel so exhilarated after writing… that I think maybe I can skip the whole skipping process and go shower. STUDY! OMG. summer summer summer summer summer… when Ma chambre a la forme d’une cage (no longer!) & le soleil passe son bras par la fenêtre, les chasseurs à ma porte comme les petits soldats qui veulent me prendre.  whee (:

I love his voice and the way he inteprets every song with a lot of conviction. ah!